Here is a list of Clubs affiliated with Chippewa Valley Snowmobile Organization:
(Links to their Facebook page, Website and Club Profiles are included)
Back40 Trail Riders Club Profile
— Bateman Sno-Riders Club Profile——
—-Bloomer Sno-Hawks Club Profile—
—-—Cleveland Trail Mates Club Profile——
—-–- Cross Country Cruisers Club Profile ——-
—- Crosscut Snowmobile Club Club Profile–—
—––Delmar Sno-Gliders Club Profile——-
—-—-- Eagleton Sno-Fliers Club Profile——-
—- Flambeau Area Trail Tenders Club Profile——
—–Half-Way High Riders Club Profile——-
—-Hallie Eagles Snowmobile Club——-–
—-- Huron Sno-Gliders Club Profile——-
—- Jim Town Rail Runners——-
Lafayette Area Snow Trails Club Profile––
——-Lake Wissota Trail Blazers Club Profile—
—-—-- Paint Creek Sno-Goers——
—– - Rainbow Raiders II Club Profile——-
—- -
Rough Riders Club Profile——
—— - Stanley Sno-Chargers Club Profile–——
—- Wheaton Knight Riders Club Profile
—–Chippewa County AWSC KAOS Youth Rep